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Feeling tired:((

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The weather like is so hot these day that i always feel tired. I don’t want to go out, and also don”t want to do anything… sometimes i do want to do homework, however i have 4 next days off, so i still haven’t done it yet.;). And now i want to share something i have learned in last lesson. ^^. well! my teacher told about teaching through stories( why we use stories, ? how to use? and some problems when we use stories to teach  children).

We use stories to develop imaginative abilities of children. As we know, the children have extensive imagination. And they also curious, so we can create magic.  Besides, story help children to increase vocabulary and language structures, enhance listening skill, thought and ideas. One more reason is children often like listening to stories. The stories for kids are very interesting. They contain a lot of fun, adventurous, and sometimes are surprising. The stories for kids  are often short. So it’s easy for them to remember. In order to make belief for children, the ending of these stories always happy. For all above reason we can understand why the stories used to teach children.

It’s clear that stories are very useful for kids’ learning, but how to do that is a big question. So we should follow these following steps. The first, we have to generate children’ interest in the story. you may create curiosity or surprise… it’s up to you. The second we need prepare students to listen to the story by pre- teach key words with mime, pictures , real objects or gesture. We can also ask children some questions that related to their live and then tell them that they are going to listen to a story about……Then show them  cover’s book and ask what they can see( you may ask in native language first, then change to  english).Another way is we ask sts to act out some verb that they will be listened in the story. The next step-telling the story. We need  to have interact with sts while telling the story. We can ask them some question, have tasks for them to do( play the role, match pictures with words…), make them guess “what happens next?”. Explain if there are some differences in culture. Especially, make eye contact with all sts to ensure all students are actively involved. The final step is consolidate the story. After telling the story we can ask sts some question about the story, act out parts of it or give them a simple test.

i feel it hard to follow all of the step correctly, however nothing’s impossible, right?

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